Academic Programmes
Academic Programmes
International Relations (BA) in Hungarian
ELTE TáTK szakdolgozat/záróvizsga
ELTE TáTK nemzetközi tanulmányok alapképzési szak szakdolgozati és záróvizsga követelményei
International Relations (BA) in English
Thesis and final exam requirements
The aim of the international relations major is to provide – besides a general knowledge on social sciences – expertise in the fields of international politics, economy, law and European Union studies. We prepare our graduate students to understand the current challenges related to globalization and the European integration process in order to acquire the necessary skills to take up employment at non-profit organizations, municipalities, international organizations or companies conducting international activities. The program provides students with a firm basis to pursue their studies at masters programs in social sciences, particularly in the field of international relations.
The programme is designed to those who are interested in the field of social sciences and international relations connecting countries, people and institutions and are willing and able to use their language knowledge.
International Relations (MA) in Hungarian
ELTE TáTK nemzetközi tanulmányok mesterképzési szak szakdolgozati és záróvizsga követelményei
International Relations (MA) in English
ELTE TáTK international studies master's degree thesis requirements
The aim of the program is to offer students in-depth knowledge on the topics of globalization, international institutions, security, development studies and human rights. It enables our graduate students to understand and analyze complex political and social problems that go beyond state borders and cultural boundaries.
Following an introductory semester on advanced classes of international relations and political science in the second semester, students can choose from one of the following specializations:
- European development and foreign policy
- Human Rights
- Security Studies
Applicants will ideally be interested in politics, social problems and interactions between different nations and cultures. While we prefer to accept students with in depth knowledge in political science or international relations, our program is designed in a way to offer the opportunity for students with a different background to catch up with their peers during the first semesters if they are dedicated enough.
We encourage our students to work independently and also as members of a team. We help them to develop skills of adaptability and self-reflexivity that are crucial in today’s fast changing world. Our aim is to give our students skills and knowledge that could be readily used whether they seek employment in the public or the private sphere.
The International Studies PhD Programme was established in early 2020 by Balázs Majtényi in order to provide a special academic platform for PhD students wishing to specialize in international studies and political science, human rights, cultural studies or globalization studies, etc.
The programme mainly – but not exclusively – expects candidates having obtained a degree from social sciences, communications or cultural studies areas who have proven their commitment and ability towards scientific research during their gradual training. Students will undergo their doctoral training by participating in compulsory and optional courses and seminars. They will be closely guided by tutors.
Course work lasts for 4 semesters and is followed by an also 4-semester-long research and thesis writing phase.
To learn more about the application process, structure and research topics, etc. related to the programme, please go to the website of the programme within the Doctoral School of Sociology: