Jean Monnet Module
EUGlobDev - The EU’s Global and Development Dimensions
The Jean Monnet Module “EUGlobDev” runs between 1 December 2024 and 30 November 2027 at the Department of Global and Development Studies. It has two objectives:
First, bringing a new thematic focus into the EU studies taught at ELTE in order to better fit the needs of an increasingly international student community. The project team would design, test and teach a group of courses that present the relationship between the EU and the rest of the world (primarily developing and middle-income countries). The courses would discuss the EU's global relations, development policy, neighbourhood policy, migration policy, climate policy, trade policy, etc. This way, ELTE’s students will become more knowledgeable about the EU’s global and development dimensions, and they will learn about the EU from a perspective that they can use when they return to their countries of origin, or if they decide to work in the sphere of international relations between the EU and their countries of origin. They can learn about the shared values of the EU through case studies and research-based assignments, during which they can explore the connections their countries of origin may have with the EU. Not only those students whose primary focus is EU studies, but also those whose specialization is in human rights or security studies, can attend EU-related subjects that connect with the issues they are specialized in. Alumni of these programmes can become a potential base for future EU public diplomacy – having in mind that ELTE’s alumni network of International Relations graduates already stretches through many countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia, East and Southeast Asia, Western Balkans, Latin America, and Sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, Hungarian graduates of the programme, if pursuing a career in foreign service, will better understand the EU dimension in which Hungary’s foreign policy is embedded.
Second, as the Department of Global and Development Studies is a newly founded institution, it is an objective to build a new academic and teaching community through knowledge transfer between senior and junior scholars, inclusion of representatives of different study fields and practitioners (policy sector, civil society etc). Through joint design and teaching of courses, regular feedback and evaluation meetings, as well as through public events with a policy relevance such as workshops and public lectures, the cohesion of the new department will grow, and its professional linkages to Hungarian, EU and non-EU academic and policy networks will develop. During the implementation period of the project, senior researchers are invited to the team, in order to channel their expertise related to development economics, policy analysis, and EU foreign policy analysis, and to share their knowledge with their junior colleagues and stakeholders in the policy sector and civil society.
Based on the above, the Jean Monnet Module “EUGlobDev” aims at offering the following courses:
For students of ELTE’s International Relations BA programme it offers introductory courses, that provide a conceptualization of the main topics through case studies, and an introduction to policy analysis through current issues:
- Global issues – challenges to the EU and the Global South – an introductory course
- Legal pluralism and various conceptions of global justice, comparing the differing positions of EU and China in matters of global concern
- Prospects on the edges of the EU: Postcolonialism and Europeanization in the Western Balkans
- Brexit Britain and Europe at a crossroads: The politics of anxiety and transformation
- The EU’s role in global climate affairs
For students of ELTE’s International Relations MA programme it offers in-depth policy analysis courses, that provide a conceptualization of the field through the study of complex policy agendas, and a learning experience based on individual research and analysis:
- EU policies, Global South, topical global issues
- EU development policy analysis, with a focus on human capital development
- EU’s engagement in managing nearby and far-away conflicts
- The EU’s role in global migration affairs