Short CV: 

Andrew Ryder is Director of the Institute of Political and International Studies at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. Prior to this he held academic positions at the Corvinus University Budapest and the universities of Bristol and Birmingham. Ryder has a longstanding history of social justice activism and campaigning. He is a fellow of the Royal Society for Arts.

Selected Publications

Ryder, A (2022) The Challenge to Academic Freedom in Hungary: A case study in authoritarianism, culture war and Resistance, Berlin: De Gruyter Press

Ryder, A (2020) Britain and Europe at a crossroads: The Politics of Anxiety and Transformation, Bristol: Policy Press

Ryder, A (2017) 'Sites of Resistance: Gypsies, Roma and Travellers in the Community, School and Academy', Trentham Press IOE (Institute of Education, London)

HU 2021.11.05.