Attila Joós
Short CV:
Attila Joós is an Assistant Lecturer at the Institute of Political and International Studies, ELTE. He earned his BA and MA degree in history from the Faculty of Humanities at ELTE. His main research area is the contemporary history of the Middle East with an emphasis on Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. He had been a visiting researcher at the University of Tehran and Istanbul University. His PhD thesis focuses on the relations between Hungary and the Middle Eastern region in the Cold War era.
Selected Publications:
Joós Attila. "Mohhamad Reza Pahlavi magyarországi látogatása 1978-ban: Magyar-iráni kapcsolatok 1975-1978 között." Kaleidoszkóp: új- és jelenkortörténeti doktorandusz tanulmánykötet Budapest, Magyarország : ELTE BTK Történelemtudományi Doktori Iskola (2017)