Short CV:
Lilla Farkas is an assistant professor at ELTE, Institute of Political and International Studies. Lilla was a member of the Budapest Bar Association between 1998 and 2022, litigating cases for various human rights organisations. She has served as president of the Hungarian Equal Treatment Authority’s Advisory Board (2005-2011) and as race (Roma) ground coordinator of the European network of legal experts on gender equality and non-discrimination (since 2005). She holds an LLM from King’s College, London and a PhD from the European University Institute, where she defended a thesis on “Mobilising for racial equality in the EU: Roma rights and transnational justice” (2020). Lilla spent the 2018/19 academic year at the UCLA as a Fulbright scholar studying the enforcement of anti-discrimination law in the US and the EU. Her research interests include anti-discrimination law, racial equality, Roma rights, legal mobilisation and housing.
Selected publications:
Egyén és csoport, kisebbség és többség: A csoportos igényérvényesítés lehetőségei, társszerző Körtvélyesi Zsolt, Magyar Állam és Jogtudomány 1-2/2022
The Charter’s potential in fighting hate and discrimination: levelling up to international obligations through victims rights, co-authored by Rita Giao Hanek, chapter in Federica Casarosa and Madalina Moraru (eds.), The Practice of Judicial Interaction in the Field of Fundamental Rights, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2022
Racial discrimination in education and EU equality law, co-authored by Desideriu Gergely, European Commission, February 2020
NGO and Equality Body enforcement of EU anti-discrimination law: Bulgarian Roma and the electricity sector, in Elise Muir, Claire Kilpatrick, Jeffrey Miller and Bruno de Witte (eds.), How EU Law Shapes Opportunities for Preliminary References on Fundamental Rights: Discrimination, Data Protection and Asylum, EUI Working Paper Law 2017/17
Data Collection in the Field of Ethnicity: Analysis and Comparative Review of Equality Data Collection Practices in the European Union, European Commission, 2017